Search Engine marketing (sem)

6 Years

With an approximate 6 Years of experience and approximately $500,000 managed across the Google Ad network I consider myself to have an advanced knowledge of google pay per click (PPC) ads. This service offering has been at the forefront of my marketing career as the most commonly requested marketing service by clients and previous employers seeking fast traffic and results on their websites. My ability to achieve success with google ad campaigns is greatly attributed to my abilities to follow a data-driven strategy, consistent analytical reporting, and retargeting methods. When creating new campaigns I attempt to think out-of-the-box and see all ads from the user's perspective to increase click-through. In addition to standard search and display ads, I also have an extensive experience running google shopping (google merchant) and retargeted ad campaigns.

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$450,000+ Managed

Over the course of my Career I have managed over $450,000 in advertising among the google ads network. Clients have trusted me to manage their ad performance due to my ability to always focus on a data-driven approach, and consistent reporting. Not all ads are the same, therefore I believe adaptability and performance monitoring are pivotal to an ads success. Following a data-driven approach I utilize historic data to aid in content and budget decision making.


Budget optimization in any ad campaign is greatly aided by the utilization of split-testing. This involves the process of developing 2 or more ad creatives and serving them to an audience group during a specific and supervised term, then reporting on results to aid decision-making for future and larger-budget ad campaigns. I currently utilized split testing in all ad campaigns currently under management and will continue to utilize the process with any ads under my management. This is done in order to set the ad up for success and protect client budgets.


Utilizing google audiences, account linking with google analytics, and google tags data is fed to my ad campaigns for increased targeting accuracy and retargeting purposes. The process of retargeting on google utilizes user data and tendencies help to serve tailored ads for specific user groups.  I have become excellent with utilizing re-targeting ad campaigns to pinpoint ads to specific users for increased click-through and conversion.

Google Ads