Finance experience

My experience in Business Finance begins at the University of Calgary where I began learning and understanding concepts related to Global and Corporate Finance, Time value of money and risk. I quickly realized how important this industry is globally and how much I really enjoyed learning the concepts. Ultimately in my 2nd year of undergraduate studies at the University of Calgary I choose to concentrate my Bachelor of Commerce degree in Finance . This allowed me to take advantage of the learning tools available at the University of Calgary and to broaden my understanding of Finance. While attending the university I was able to network with other industry professions, obtained temporary access and practice using the Bloomberg Terminal, as well as take part in the TMX Options Trading Contest. As part of completing my degree with the Finance concentration I was required to complete additional Finance Courses which developed my understanding of concepts beyond the standard requirements; complimented to my Economics electoral options. In addition to attending Introductory courses on Business Financial Management (FNCE-317) which provided a foundation to capital allocation, time-value of money, interest rates and risk, annuities and additional calculation formulas, I also successfully completed 6 additional courses within this concentration (listed below).

Financial Management (FNCE-317)
An introduction to the allocation of financial capital, from a theoretical as well as a practical perspective. The course builds on a modern understanding of how risk, time horizon, and market imperfections each affect the value of real and financial assets. Topics include time value of money, the risk-return trade off, financial investing, corporate financing, and corporate investing.
Professor: L. Tims
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Corporate Finance (FNCE-451)
A deeper understanding of topics such as capital budgeting, capital structure, valuation, payout policy, and financing decisions.
Professor: R. Wells
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New Venture Finance (FNCE-473)
Application of financial theory and analysis to the valuation and financing of new ventures. Course balances learning of concepts, development of analytical skills, and practice in decision making. Opportunity to apply learning to live projects.
Professor: M. Robinson
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Mergers & Acquisitions (FNCE-465)
A study of the economic theory and practical issues around takeover and takeover defence strategies. Valuation issues, corporate restructuring, corporate governance, and methods of ensuring congruence between management and shareholder goals are also discussed.
Professor: S. Paget
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Security Analysis & Investment (FNCE-443)
A comprehensive exploration of security analysis and investments aimed at advancing understanding of financial markets, valuation techniques, and portfolio selection under various investment objectives. Topics such as capital allocation, diversification, security (stocks, bonds, derivatives) valuation, and market efficiency are covered.
Professor: M. Palacios
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Futures & Options (FNCE-445)
A study of financial contracts for which the payoffs are contingent upon or derived from the value pre-specified underlying economic variables. Typical underlying variables include the spot price of a commodity and the price of a stock. These contracts are used extensively for hedging and speculative purposes. They also provide useful information about forecasts of the underlying economic variable in a process called "price discovery."
Professor: KJ. Choi
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Portfolio Theory & Management (FNCE-463)
Analysis of the major aspects of the grouping of financial assets. Portfolio analysis and its application to portfolio management, capital market theory and the measurement of financial performance in the presence of risk.
Professor: P. Chang
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My Current Employment Experience is focused within retail finance and Entrepreneurship. As Founder and Director of Willowstone Marketing Inc. I have been required to make many strategic financial decisions regarding the acquisition and allocation of capital on behalf of this growing company. I consistently manage expenditures, communicate and negotiate with financial institutions regarding capital lending, interest rates, amortization etc.. In addition to working personally with Accounting departments I manually create quarterly financial statements to run checks-and-balance on the firms financial health. The employment I maintained at Finance and Lease Auto provided financial experience from an entrepreneurial and retail banking position. As a first manager of this startup financial institution I was required to wear many hats and present myself as the face of this rapidly growing company. I consistently worked with customers regarding their financial planning, receiving lending approval, and allocating capital. Furthermore, I communicated with retail lending institutions regarding document submission and approval on behalf of customers.

Finance employment history